The A. C. Clark Library Interlibrary Loan welcomes requests from all libraries. When requesting materials, please observe our policy guidelines listed below. Please address all inquiries to our interlibrary loan staff at the following:
Phone: (218) 755-2968 (voicemail available)
Methods of Transmission
- OCLC: Yes (MNB)
- MnPALS: Yes (MNB)
- ALA Form: Yes
- Telephone: No
- Facsimile: No
- Ariel: No
- Article Exchange: Yes, Send to:
Average turnaround time: 1 day
ILL Symbols: MNB (MnPALS, OCLC, Minitex Delivery)
Memberships: Minitex, PALS, Northern Lights Library Network, LVIS, OCLC
Groups of libraries for which we waive fees: all U.S. Libraries
Lending Policy Guidelines
We lend items for 90 days and grant 30-day renewals on a case-by-case basis. Materials are sent Minitex delivery or USPS mail.
Electronic Materials
Digital copies are provided if request is 75 pages or less. Photocopies are sent via Article Exchange.
Non-circulating Items
Bound periodicals (will scan article and send digitally), microform (will scan article and send digitally), reference materials, items on course reserve, Special Collections materials, Popular Reading collection books less than 6 months old and DVDs designated for in-house/faculty use only.
International Lending
We will provide photocopies from periodicals and microforms to international libraries.
United States: Free lender.
International: Free lender.
Lost Materials
Accepts replacement cost or acceptable item replacement.
Billing Procedure
Invoice will be sent for lost items. For libraries, we wait for you to request an invoice before sending.
Note: Service may be suspended over holidays and semester breaks.